
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Know Your Child Talent & Potential

A few decades ago, the intelligence of children has always been associated with academic intelligence. Children are considered intelligent if they were never absent entry in the top three ranking in its class.
No wonder the parents are competing to spur children to have higher academic skills than their peers. However, it is not like that anymore. A person's intelligence is no longer taken into account only in terms of academics.
Those who have the advantage of non-academic fields began to get a place. Moreover, many examples of people who succeeded because of its ability in the field of non-academic. For example, from the field of sports has a lot of young athletes that the name of his own nation This of course makes the parents are no longer looking at her from the side of academic intelligence alone.
Parents who can see his abilities in other areas began to realize and no longer force myself to her baby to be the most intelligent child in the classroom. Similarly, the development of academic intelligence, non-academic intelligence should begin to be developed as early as possible in children.
To that end, parents must recognize what exactly is talent and potential that lies within her baby. By knowing the talent and potential of their children early, parents will be easier to steer so that children can explore their talents and potential early on. Therefore, recognizing the talents of children early will dig deeper into the potential of a child.
Good nutrition, the environment is full of excitement and democratic parents an opportunity for the birth of gifted children. But if our children are gifted? What traits, characteristics? How to recognize it? Below are some tips for recognizing the talent of your child: 

  1. Do you own or your spouse talented? Is there one or more brother / sister / brother in law you are talking earlier than when under the age of three years? Could point the way to go home with ease? Have a sharp memory of the image? If yes, then it will decrease the tendency for your kids too.
  2. Overly sensitive weepy, sentimental, irritable, easily awakened from sound sleep due to the mediocre are baseline characteristics of gifted children. Even children are exposed to irritation from the clothing label on the neck or in connection thick socks, children's talent show.
  3. Have the IQ test score above 125 is one of the existing talent in your child. Only requires a separate test to find real talent. Moreover, IQ tests can not be done for children under 9 years of age because it will not be accurate.
  4. In everyday life, the child has the characteristics of attention, very observant, meticulous in its early stages are out of line, showing great curiosity, a sharp memory, focus for a long time, easy to learn with just a little repetition and can give reasons strong for all actions and words.
  5. In language acquisition, children who are gifted tend to be more advanced vocabulary than children's peers, start reading activities at an early age, always ask, "What if ...." or "Why is not .....". He also showed the ability to read quickly and reach a broad topic.
  6. Emotionally and socially, the child is interested in topics that are not common, such as what death is, where people after death, why people die rot and others. In sensitivity, children are usually very sensitive and easily provoked to physical activity outdoors.
  7. Such children also have a good sense of humor, even to the level can laugh at yourself, just like adults. He is also usually a perfectionist, wants all composed, and finished with a perfect pattern. Such children are always full of energy, not easily tired, and easy to adjust and close to the adults.
  8. He can think abstractly, for example kekeluargaannya complex relationships such as cousins ​​or brothers or parents of my grandmother. In short that is not directly related to him, it was abstract. He could also understand the time frame in the past and future, for example, "When dad was a kid ...".
  9. He was able to draw, or build something with complex and unusual patterns, such as by medium blocks, crayons, watercolors, drawings, sand, clay and so on.
  10. There are clear differences between the gifted and intelligent children. Gifted children tend to be bored, likes to play, do not like to learn because it already knows the answer, and even too critical to question the answers that already exist. Smart kids love to learn, listen well, to answer the question properly, give attention and love are the same age range.
Gifted children tend to be rebellious, somewhat lazy, selfish wants, like questioning the establishment, do not like to learn, excel in a multiple choice test because he tends to guess, but he was also critical of himself.
Keep in mind that gifted child or children must be smart not closely related to success in life. If any students, so he could be a smart and talented criminal.
In the schools, gifted children tend to be overlooked or not identified because they are usually violent maker, ran thither, and tend to be lazy with school standards are generally classed as a child who can not afford school.
Quite often, they say, dwarf teacher as a bad boy, would-be criminals, baseball will pass, not the next grade, and so forth.
The things that are socially just further alienate them from the school. In addition, children from poorer social classes and children from minority groups in race, ethnicity and religion usually do not qualify for gifted children in the screening carried out in schools. That's because schools generally look for children who sit quietly, sitting in the front seat and not denied his master.

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