
Sunday, August 31, 2014

Motivating Student

Students who are not prepared to follow the learning process will not be able to achieve the goals that have been set. Motivation is the way that teachers can do to prepare students to be ready to follow the learning process to be implemented. Sulitkah motivating students? For teachers who are professional and have extensive education insights is certainly not difficult to motivate students. But what about the teachers who have less insight? For teachers who actually have less insight, motivate students it's very easy to do, simply turn the Palm of the hand. The thing is, if students are motivated?

Keep in mind that the development of a person is influenced by three factors (according to the experts) are: congenital factors, environmental factors, and congenital factors & environment. I took we agree because most education experts also agreed that the development of a person affected by congenital factors and environmental factors. If the role of the innate factor by 50% then environmental factors that 50% was divided into three and again i.e.

  1. family environmental factors, is the most main environment affects the development and growth of students. A family needs to create a good environment to create an atmosphere of learning that can provide an opportunity to students to be able to grow and develop optimally and irregularities do not occur. 
  2. school environmental factors, is the student environment where he studied through a figure called the teacher. In this environment the students actually had only one purpose and that is to learn (autobiography). If the atmosphere in the school environment is not conducive, it will be very difficult to achieve the learning objectives that had been planned by the teacher. 
  3. environmental factors of society, is the social environment where students interact with the world outside the family environment. The environmental community is very great influence on the development of the child.
Students are motivated by the teacher when it is being studied and is in the school environment. How much influence the motivation of the teachers if compared with the motivation that comes from the surrounding community and family environment?. If I may berandai least not only 30% of 50% (environmental factors) influence. Well what if given the motivation of teachers affected it is not strong enough? Certainly environmental factors of the family and the community will be very dominant affect students. This is where the necessary expertise is a teacher who really professional. Teachers are able to motivate so as to provide the dominant influence for students.

On the other hand, the teacher as the cutting edge of education usually become scapegoats in the Community (not the Government) If students studying in schools in the framework of education could not attain the expected competency. Whereas in sekolahpun there are other factors including schools and infrastructure means the Government's role in motivating students not less important.Unfortunately those factors are less taken into account by the community. 

There is a sort of paradigm developing in society: If students are clever/smart, then asked people is: "a child who he is?" But, if the stupid students then asked people is: "who the hell is her teacher, how really stupid?" Sorry for the teachers if heard as what I heard of it!

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