
Sunday, January 31, 2016

When Should The Little going to School?

When asked, there will probably be many reasons that can be adduced when the parents decide to send their children at a very young age. Facilities play and learn in a school that is certainly more complete than at home, could be one reason. In addition, the school at an early age is also believed to help parents to provide appropriate stimulation for her baby.

Yes, at school, your child will certainly do more physical activities such as singing, jumping or dancing. In addition, children can learn to express their feelings at a time to socialize, both with peers and teachers.

However, not a few parents who feel that educating children at a very young age is just a trend that was created to satisfy the ego's father and mother alone. Because in their view, the age of 0-5 years is the golden age of the child so it would be wise to let your child learn directly from its immediate environment.

Moreover, forcing children to go to school at a young age will only cause stress is believed that it is not likely lead to boredom. As a result, when entering elementary school, children will be cranky and declared a strike and learn even more extreme school strike.
Depending Child Development

Nana Eclipse, M.Psi, psychologist, says that the school is basically divided into four levels, namely early, elementary, middle and high. School early childhood also known as usual preschool beginning at age 3 years. The goal is to prepare children's compulsory education is primary school.

The school is considered to have an advantage because the agency has more facilities to stimulate the child. So when the question arises of how the ideal age children entered school, then the answer is dependent on the state of children themselves.

"As parents, we should most know, whether children get enough stimulation in the home, both of ourselves and the environment. When the stimulation is given is considered sufficient, it is actually legitimate when the children were not in school up to primary school age, "explained psychologist who daily practice at the Royal Hospital Progress, in Sunter.

Nana also emphasized, if the parent still wants to put their children to school since a young age, earned it not only because just want to follow the trend. For if only follow trends, then in addition to children, parents will also be joined burden.

"Actually school at an early age could be an alternative if the parents are busy working so rarely have time to play and learn with their children. Or because of other factors such as the child bored at home and wanted to go to school like a brother or a friend. It is important to note that children can be motivated and not feel compelled to go to school. To be sure, you should never send a child because of the trend, "he said.

It also expressed by Leriwati Sutarna, practitioners and consultants Penabur children's education foundation. According to him, there is no definite standard regarding what age children should begin to be included playgroup or kindergarten. "For children, learning activities that can be done anywhere. However, to get a formal education in schools, depending on the readiness of the child, "he said.

Furthermore, women are usually called Leri explains, if the child starts like carrying a bag and repetitive always pretending to go to school, then it could be an early indication that the child does want to start school.

"If there are indications Thus, parents can bring their children to attend the trial at the school of choice. Now many schools really provide a trial for one week and even one month. From there it can be seen whether the child is already ready to go to school or not. If not ready, which is usually marked by crying hysterically, not forced as it will only lead to trauma that can be seen when the child begins to sit in 3rd grade elementary school, "he said.

Selective Choosing Schools

Basically, the school is one means to help children grow optimal physical, cognitive and emotional. Therefore Nana hope that parents can be more selective in understanding the purpose, learning programs and the vision and mission of schools that offer services that are schooled children can really benefit positive. "Please remember, age 0-5 years is the golden age a child to learn new things. And learn not only be done in schools but also from home. The active role of parents with objects around can be a medium of learning, "said Nana. One thing is for sure, if they want to send their children at an early age, do not let the schools selected to be a scary thing for a child. Because just like adults, children can also be a lot of stress due to depressed, bored, or disappointed at the state of the self and the environment. The stress can ultimately make children become more aggressive, hyper, moody, and angry because it, choose a school that does not give a burden to the child. Because essentially, children aged 7 years and under still need to use a method of learning while playing in order to please him. Here's a summary tips from Nana and Leri to get suitable school for a child with a young age.

Understand the purpose, vision and mission of the school

Good schools are schools that educate children holistically means include cognitive, physical, emotional and spiritual. Parents should be actively involved in order to understand and assess whether the learning portion according to the capacity of the age of the child's development.

Program Clear

Preschool Good also has a clear program, where most of the learning activities carried out while playing. To be sure, these programs can also make the child become an independent person and capable of finding solutions.


Faculty provided school should have a good speech and polite. Care for children and have always wanted to be a good listener.

Location and Cost

Try to choose a school that is close to home so the trip to school is not too tiring for the little guy. Do not forget, account also the costs required for the school to match the ability of each parent.

School of Early Childhood, Good For Child Development. . .?

Maybe there are 1001 reasons why parents decide to enter the toddler to preschool children. Who finished the question, should my son go to school at such a young age? Questions like these, too, that I often ask to ourselves and the people closest to her husband as "Need not, anyway, the Earth entered the group play?"

Since my son was 2 years old I already have the desire to send him to school. To be more clever sociable and independent, I think it's time. But because the intention has not been established and there are many considerations, the edges that time my son entered preschool canceled.

One day, I also had read an article that I still remember to this day. There one developmental psychologist David Elkind argues, if the parents are able to provide pre-school age children's education at home, quite competent and had the dedication, in terms of sufficient time and energy to stimulate the children in particular. Actually preschool is not important. Especially if the home environment allows children to play with peers and meet adults other than parents. However, if the condition of the opposite happened, it was a sign preschool becomes important.
If David Elkind argues like that, another with Faisal M.Ed. Education practitioners as well as the Vice Principal of International Islamic School in Kuala Lumpur, Faisal has its own views. In which he said, should children start school at the age of 3 years. Below that, you should 'school' in the house first, because the level of maturity of children to receive all the activities at the school yet. I really had to come to educational workshops held with the speaker Faisal SuperMoms M.Ed I've written in this article.

At that time, he also said, "Just wait until the child asks for the school. As he was tired of playing with his toys, and need someone else to play with. Usually, children with mothers who did not work faster asked for school. Perhaps because they are bored playing with his mother continued, "he said jokingly.

His words say if the school to the needs of children, not their parents as well as if it kept ringing in the ears. "So just wait until they ask for it," he said at the time.

Until my son was 4 years old, last November, he was never explicitly expressed his desire for the school. But, if I am fishing with saying things that comfortable if he attended school, my son was then told that going back to school, finally after considering many things, my wife and finally decided to include our son to playgroups in this school year. Thank God, it turns out he really enjoyed it.

Actually, my confidence grew sure to include our children to preschool when I was talking with Rosdiana Setyaningrum, MPsi, MHPEd. Child psychologist who is often invited as a speaker at various events this perspective reinforce my intention.

"A lot, really, benefits are obtained if put children at an early age. It is associated with an automated facility more than at home. By hanging out with friends his age, the child can learn to socialize and of course children move much. "

He also tells his personal experience when her two children also have entered preschool from the age of one year. "I see his own development is very good. If many parents are worried that their children will have school bored, actually happens is not the case. "

Women are usually called Ms. Diana explains that getting children into preschool is one tool that helps parents to provide appropriate stimulation. Where children aged under five years old are still in need of more physical activity.

"The brain of children aged under five it was perfected from their many moves. So it's not on stage demanding children can read and write. "

Physical activity in question can pass the activity of dancing, singing, or playing in gymnastics where children can jump-stepping or climbing. By doing so, it will certainly be able to provide a good stimulation for the child.

Not to mention the cognitive stimulation can be obtained child, as well as social stimulation that they can feel through interaction with teachers and peers. Besides your child will also get emotional stimulation so that he would be able to express their feelings.

"This form of stimulation will be obtained more children entering preschool than children who did not participate preschool. It also once I have proved through the research, it was the children who entered preshool in Indonesia development was better than children who do not attend preschool. "

However, women who have a Master of Health Profession Education from the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia also asserts that incorporate the child into preschool, no means parents a hands-off, leaving everything to the school. Attachment to the child remains to be nurtured, so that the development of the child can be monitored.

Given the number of preschool scattered in various corners of the city, would not want it demands that we as parents to more carefully select preschool. In this regard, I also had a chance to ask him, what factors, anyway, the most important for us to consider when choosing preschool?

Here are some points which he elaborated, hopefully can help other parents when considering where good preschool for your child

Program Curriculum

The main thing to consider is to know the curriculum applied at the school. Good Preschool will offer programs that allow children to use most of their time playing. Children will be invited to work on the learning material and socialize with other children and try various activities throughout the day.

Also, make sure the selected schools will instill the values ​​that you apply to your child. Ranging from religious or ethical values. That way you can get an idea whether the preschool have the same goals as you. Usually, a good preschool also has a trial class.


Whether or not the quality of the preschool to be chosen can be seen through teaching staff. According to Diana, preschool teacher should be able to love and attention to children in detail. Teachers should also be aware if the students have different backgrounds and experiences so that they can not learn the same things in the same time and in the same way. Make sure the number of teachers with inadequate or no children. Preschool teachers and staff should also be the JV were not stingy to give any information. Either way they are partners in the education process of children.

Location and Cost

Another thing that is important is to take into account the location and cost. It would be better if the selected location is not too far apart at home. It certainly can minimize your child to feel fatigue or stress on the road due to congestion. If children go to school with conditions that are not prime because fatigue can cause this is certainly difficult child concentration. Such conditions can also create conditions tend to be negative emotions.

As for the cost must still consider the financial condition of the family. If the cost is only burdensome, this is certainly not good. The huge costs by offering tempting facilities, anyway, does not promise a quality curriculum program.

The Right Time for Children to go to School

School is a place that is fun for most children, but not denied could also be a place that is most feared by children. This can happen when a child starts school at an inconvenient time. The most appropriate time to enter the school children when a child is consciously say and ask himself to his parents that he wanted to go to school. This suggests a sense of interest in the child and the child's readiness for school. Responding to the wishes of children, parents must support and not forgetting to explain what the consequences. Children should have the responsibility for school assignments.

In general, children aged 3-4 years, will trigger his own desire to go to school when he saw relatives or friends in school. But if there is no desire of children to schools, parents should not be forced and decided the child should go to school. Do not force the child to go to school does not mean parents give up and wait when the child wants to school. This kind of attitude will also cause harm to children, late start of education. Instead parents should be proactive in various ways in order to arise curiosity in the child school. For example by encouraging children to come pick up his sister at school or to invite and accompany the child to see and play with friends who have entered the school. The next stage of the selected schools also should be appropriate to the child's age. For ages 3-4 years, it is best to playgroup (school for children of early age).

Monday, January 4, 2016

10 Tips to Communicate With Children Needs to Know For Each Parent

Is a struggle that is not easy for us to be able to continue close to the child. Yet this is one of the keys to our success.

It must be recognized that we are coming from a different time with our children. They will never like the "Rod Stewart", until we understand and know about the "One Direction".

Before it's too late, let's try 10 tips to communicate with these children so that our relationship with the child continues harmony.

1. Take time
Always include a schedule for the activity with the child on a schedule harianParents. Allow the Small to choose the activities he likes, even if it's just watching MTV at home. This way Parents will know how in fact the character of the little one at home, what he likes and so forth.

2. Give them your full attention
We often complain that our children often ignore or do not care about our busyness. But who knows, beginning precisely from our mistakes.

Often as parents we go home already in a state of fatigue. Or though the activity in the house, but we instead choose TV or gadget as a friend of children, so that we can immediately finish the housework or take care of our business.

We are always busy, busy, and busy constantly. Until now, they need us, we always say, "Sorry Mom / Dad did not have time," or "Oh, Father / Mother was tired, boy, can we talk tomorrow".
From now on, let's provide a little more effort to pay attention and to communicate to them. Let's do this in order to maintain our close relationship and children.

3. Respect them
Appreciating the efforts of our toddler, or teenager on good behavior, will create a positive relationship. And positive relationship will of course be an effective way to communicate or talk to them.

4. Respect the wishes of children
Problem children often underestimated by parents. But be aware that the "trivial" is actually even crucial to a child would help the relationship between parents and children.

So let's, we value and respect every word, and their desires. Our appreciation to them will lead to trust and strengthen our relationship with the children.

5. Use good body language
It is advisable that parents lowered his voice and spoke more slowly to children. Moreover, seeking to speak with an equal height is recommended, for example by lowering the body or even sit. This will reduce the fear and intimidation that children may feel when talking to his parents.

6. Speak more often
Make communicate with the child as a habit. If the little one in the house was still a toddler, then talk things simple with it. Initially it may be difficult, but this habit will make the little one knows that his parents will always try to connect with him.

7. Be a Flexible
When the children are teenagers, they could have questioned our rules and tried to ask for more freedom. For that when the full freedom

8. Love them sincerely
Wise proverb says that children will never be too old to be told that our parents, love them. So, to say "I love you" on the Toddlers and show through deeds, our love to the teenages.

9. Give clear reasons
When about to scold the child, hold on emotion, especially of utterances accused. Instead, speak well to children and show that Parents are ready to explain what became of their mistake. Practice and try to communicate well even in a state full of emotion.

10. Involve children
Lastly, always involve the children in the family activities. Suppose decide where want to travel, what kind of food to be cooked today, and so forth.
This will make the children always felt close to Parents though perhaps, eventually Parents and children will be living far away or years apart.

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