Good articles are the articles that are going to be the most in number on your blog. At least that’s what you’re supposed to look for. I always say to add “meat” to your articles for them to be legit ones. The same way for your blog. Thegood articles are like the “meat” of your blog. This is where all of your visitors will enjoy the food of your good articles. Always add them as soon as possible.
As we talk about the second part of our series, this part is the most important. I know that producing a bad article shouldn’t be allowed, it shouldn’t. And the third part, that we’ll be getting to, is the killer articles that should pop up once in a while in your bunches that you write.
Writing a good article takes more time that you will need to focus on your article. Good articles are not a one-hour thing.
Adding content to these articles are the goodies that everyone is willing to read and learn from.
We all want to be good at something. And many reading this are sure they want to be good in blogging. That’s great! So am I!
Why not be good in producing good articles that generate comments like crazy? Yea sound good, right?
Produce Something Good!
When the article is written and done, producing the article to be a good one will be satisfactory. Everyday, we produce something in our lives. From waking up and cleaning ourselves, to asking and getting a response.
All of these actions will produce a result. And they better be good ones! Same goes with an article. An article produced with good intentions and good work will in fact bring in good results that makes a blogsuccessful.
Talk About Something Good!
Talking and writing in a good article should be something worth their time. They need time, and to produce a good article, is what they are looking for. Talk about something they would like to learn and enjoy.
Good articles come with good content. Don’t talk about something that is not interesting to them. Like say you own an entertainment blog that focuses on movies. And in this blog, you should produce articles that are related to let’s say, an upcoming movie. That’s what your article should be about. Not an epic basketball game that took place last week. No!
People love to talk about what’s hot in a niche.
Those are some good articles to write. And they’re many more kinds of articles that one can write that have a “good” rating.
Adding The Right Kinds Of Images.
Images are so important to a blog, never mind an article. A good article must at least have one image or more to it. Visually, this makes it more appeasing to the reader’s eye and helps him understand a little better.
In this article,
the bad ones, I touch on why this is so important.
The Layout Is Easy.
The layout should be easy to understand and digest. The layout should have breaks and necessary alignment that helps you take a break and start from the right place.
Always Have An Intro and Conclusion Paragraph.
Your introduction is the most important part of your article. The introduction is where the prime phase of your mind engages with your content. If you are missing this “absolute-must” part and just dive into your steps, then good luck on getting a great response from many.
If you do have one, then that’s the difference on your article getting the response that you hoped for. The intro is where the reader is going to continue on what you’re presenting or deciding to quit reading this boring writing.
The conclusion is just as important as the intro, don’t be fooled about thinking it’s just at the end and not as important. You will always need a safe landing and reminder of the content that they just read. You know, help them remember.
The conclusion is kinda the summary on what you wrote and how to let the reader take it in.
Emphasizing The Right Words!
The words you write that contain meaning of your article is what emphazisation all about. Certain words that are the main idea should be emphasized and explained well in-depth. If you get this, the whole article is basically explaining these

Good Writing and Editing Skills!
Roll up your sleeves and squeeze your brain to write good content. Writing good content is what skills you’ll need to write killer articles that we will touch on in the next article. Writing good articles will need to have your best writing, not just good. That’s the exception!
Having the ability to write with your own words something that millions have talked about is a skill.
A skill that is setting you apart with your skill writing. Skill writing takes a lot of practice that will come to you over time.
Also the editing has to be your best. When writing, just ignore the editing while doing that. After the writing, just be able to put on your glasses and catch those simple and irregular mistakes that can form from your sentences.
This is the good process of writing:
The plain-old English writing process. It works amazing!
Good, Enjoyable Length To It!
Don’t over do the length of the article. I haven’t really seen a problem with this lengthy stuff, but it pops up once in a while. If you do happen to write a longer piece of article, please make sure to add some sort of styling and headings to make it easier to process that large amount of information.
Good Personification.
Not really a big art, but it does go hand in hand with writing.
Through your writing is where everybody can see the “you” . Just let yourself come out of it! Personify some of your problems they are facing. That way they can sorta relate to what you are writing about.
Important, thus.
Good Ideas That Are Worthy!
Getting an idea is so much. I’m so tired of not having anything to write about. Right? When you got an idea, make sure to store that idea in any form you can.
good ideas will be the ones that are worthy to be called “good”. The truth is, our ideas and sometimes
our thoughts cannot work the way we want them to. When your mind is in the idea mode,
the good ideas are needed to be written down and stored for later use.
Tha Conclusion
What I really wanted to say through this article is that writing a good one, is possible every time you touch your keyboard.
If you decide to write one with hard work, then the possibility of that article will be endless.
Just remember to use the points that I wrote through this article and every article you write will be never-the-less good, but even excellent!
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