
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

History Of United Stated

The History of the United States traditionally starts with the Declaration of Independence in the year 1776, but its territory was occupied first by the Native Americans since prehistoric times and then also by European colonists who followed the voyages of Christopher Columbus starting in 1492. The largest settlements were by the English on the East Coast, starting in 1607. By the 1770s the Thirteen  Revolution. In 1789 the Constitution United States federal government, with war hero George Washington as the first president. The young nation continued to struggle with the scope of central government and with European influence, creating the first political parties in the 1790s, and fighting a second war for independence in 1812. contained two and half million people, were prosperous, and had developed their own political and legal systems. The British government's threat to American self-government led to war in 1775 and the Declaration of Independence in 1776. With major military and financial support from France, the patriots won the became the basis for the

U.S. territory expanded westward across the continent, brushing aside Native Americans and Mexico, and overcoming modernizers who wanted to deepen the economy rather than expand the geography. Slavery of Africans was abolished in the North, but heavy world demand for cotton let it flourish in the Southern states. The 1860 election of Abraham Lincoln calling for no more expansion of slavery triggered a crisis as eleven slave states seceded to found the Confederate States of America in 1861. The bloody American Civil WarReconstruction era, the U.S. ended slavery, extended rights to African Americans, and readmitted secessionist states with loyal governments. The national government was much stronger, and it now had the explicit duty to protect individuals. Reconstruction was rolled back by the white South, leaving the blacks in a world of Jim Crow political, social and economic inferiority. The entire South remained poor while the North and West grew rapidly. (1861–65) redefined the nation and remains the central iconic event. The South was defeated and, in the

Thanks to an outburst of entrepreneurship in the North and the arrival of millions of immigrant workers from Europe, the U.S. became the leading industrialized power by 1900. Disgust with corruption, waste, and traditional politics stimulated the Progressive movement, 1890s-1920s, which pushed for reform in industry and politics and put into the Constitution women's suffrage and Prohibition of alcohol (the latter repealed in 1933). Initially neutral in World War I, the U.S. declared war on Germany in 1917, and funded the Allied victory. The nation refused to follow President Woodrow Wilson's leadership and never joined the League of Nations. After a prosperous decade in the 1920s the Wall Street Crash of 1929 marked the onset of the decade-long world-wide Great Depression. A political realignment expelled the Republicans from power and installed Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt and his elaborate and expensive New Deal programs for relief, recovery, and reform. Roosevelt's Democratic coalition, comprising ethnics in the north, labor unions, big-city machines, intellectuals, and the white South, dominated national politics into the 1960s. After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in December 1941, the U.S. entered World War II alongside the AlliesNazi Germany in Europe and, with the detonation of newly-invented atomic bombs, Japan and helped defeat in Asia and the Pacific.

The Soviet Union and the U.S. emerged as opposing superpowers after the war and began the Cold Wararms race, the Space Race, and intervention in Europe and eastern Asia. Liberalism reflected in the civil rights movement and opposition to war in Vietnam peaked in the 1960s–70s before giving way to conservatism in the early 1980s. The Cold War ended when the Soviet Union dissolved in 1991, leaving the U.S. to prosper in the booming Information Age economy that was boosted, at least in part, by information technology. International conflict and economic uncertainty heightened by 2001 with the September 11 attacks and subsequent War on Terror and the late-2000s recession. confronting indirectly in an

Pre-Columbian Era
It is not definitively known how or when the Native Americans first settled the Americas and the present-day United States. The prevailing theory proposes that people migrated from Eurasia across Beringia, a land bridge that connected Siberia to present-day Alaska, and then spread southward throughout the Americas. This migration might have begun as early as 30,000 years ago and continued through to about 10,000 years ago, when the land bridge became submerged by the rising sea level caused by the ending of the last glacial period. These early inhabitants, called Paleoamericans, soon diversified into many hundreds of culturally distinct nations and tribes.

The pre-Columbian era incorporates all period subdivisions in the history and prehistory of the AmericasEuropean influences on the American continents, spanning the time of the original settlement in the Upper Paleolithic period to European colonization during the Early Modern period. While technically referring to the era before Christopher Columbus' voyages of 1492 to 1504, in practice the term usually includes the history of American indigenous cultures until they were conquered or significantly influenced by Europeans, even if this happened decades or even centuries after Columbus' initial landing. before the appearance of significant 

Colonial Period

After a period of exploration by people from various European countries, Spanish, Dutch, English, French, Swedish, and Portuguese settlements were established. In the 16th century, Europeans brought horses, cattle, and hogs to the Americas and, in turn, took back to Europe maize, potatoes, tobacco, beans, and squash. The disease environment was very unhealthy for explorers and early settlers. The Native Americans became exposed to new diseases such as smallpox and measles and died in very large numbers, usually before large-scale European settlement began.

Spanish, Dutch, and French colonization

Spanish explorers were the first Europeans to arrive in what is now the United States with Christopher Columbus' second expedition, which reached Puerto Rico on November 19, 1493; others reached Florida in 1513. Quickly Spanish expeditions reached the Appalachian Mountains, the Mississippi River, the Grand Canyon and the Great Plains. In 1540, Hernando de Soto undertook an extensive exploration of Southeast. Also in 1540 Francisco Vázquez de Coronado explored from Arizona to central Kansas. The Spanish sent some settlers, creating the first permanent European settlement in the continental United States at St. Augustine, Florida in 1565, but it attracted few permanent settlers. Much larger and more important Spanish settlements included Santa Fe, Albuquerque, San Antonio, Tucson, San Diego, Los Angeles and San Francisco

New Netherland was the 17th century Dutch colony centered on New York City and the Hudson River Valley, where they traded furs with the Native Americans to the north and were a barrier to Yankee New England. The Dutch were Calvinists who built the Reformed Church in America, but they were tolerant of other religions and cultures. The colony was taken over by Britain in 1664. It left an enduring legacy on American cultural and political life, including a secular broadmindedness and mercantile pragmatism in the city, a rural traditionalism in the countryside typified by the story of Rip Van Winkle, and politicians such as Martin Van Buren, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt. expansion from New France was the area colonized by France from 1534 to 1763. There were few permanent settlers outside Quebec, but Indian tribes often became military allies in France's wars with Britain. After 1750 the Acadians—French settlers who had been expelled by the British from Acadia (Nova Scotia)—resettled in Louisiana, where they developed a distinctive rural Cajun culture that still exists. They became American citizens in 1803 with the Louisiana Purchase. Other French villages along the Mississippi and Illinois rivers were absorbed when the Americans started arriving after 1770.

British Colonization

The strip of land along the eastern seacoast was settled primarily by English colonists in the 17th century, along with much smaller numbers of Dutch and Swedes. Colonial America was defined by a severe labor shortage that employed forms of unfree labor such as slavery and indentured servitude, and by a British policy of benign neglect (salutary neglect) that permitted the development of an American spirit distinct from that of its European founders. Over half of all European immigrants to Colonial America arrived as indentured servants. 

The first successful English colony was established in 1607, on the James River at Jamestown. It languished for decades until a new wave of settlers arrived in the late 17th century and established commercial agriculture based on tobacco. Between the late 1610s and the Revolution, the British shipped an estimated 50,000 convicts to their American colonies. One example of conflict between Native Americans and English settlers was the 1622 Powhatan uprising in Virginia, in which Native Americans had killed hundreds of English settlers. The largest conflict between Native Americans and English settlers in the 17th century was King Philip's War in New England,[13] although the Yamasee War may have been bloodier. 

New England was initially settled primarily by Puritans who established the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630, although there was a small earlier settlement in 1620 by a similar group, the Pilgrims, at Plymouth Colony. The Middle Colonies, consisting of the present-day states of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware, were characterized by a large degree of diversity. The first attempted English settlement south of Virginia was the Province of Carolina, with Georgia Colony the last of the Thirteen Colonies established in 1733. The colonies were characterized by religious diversity, with many Congregationalists in New England, German and Dutch Reformed in the Middle Colonies, Catholics in Maryland, and Scotch Irish Presbyterians on the frontier The First Great Awakening. Many royal officials and merchants were Anglicans. Religion expanded greatly after the First Great Awakening, a religious revival in the 1740s led by preachers such as Jonathan Edwards. American Evangelicals affected by the Awakening added a new emphases on divine outpourings of the Holy Spirit and conversions that implanted within new believers an intense love for God. Revivals encapsulated those hallmarks and forwarded the newly created evangelicalism into the early republic, setting the stage for the Second Great Awakening beginning in the late 1790s.

from Wikipedia encyclopedia

Monday, August 8, 2011

Managing Our Classroom 2

Managing Skills class is divided into 2 types of skills:
1. The skills associated with the creation and maintenance of optimal learning conditions.
2. The skills associated with the return of optimal learning conditions.

A. The skills associated with the creation and maintenance of optimal learning conditions.
1. Shows Attitude Capture Describing the behavior guryu seen in students, that teachers are aware and responsive to the attention of engagement, problems and lack of reference. Given this attitude of the students felt teachers present their midst. The impression of responsiveness in this way:
  • Looking closely Allows teachers to cover student involvement in classroom tasks and demonstrate the readiness of teachers to respond well to groups and individuals.
  • Giving Notice This was communicated to students through teachers' statement that he was ready to begin learning and ready to respond to the needs of students. Things to avoid is to show the dominance of the teacher with the statements or comments that contain threats. Example: "I waited until you silence."
  • Motion Approaching This indicates readiness, interest and concern to students. This helps students who face learning difficulties, had frustrated or angry. Motion that should be done with a reasonable approach, rather than frighten or other purposes? 
  • Provide Reaction Against Impaired Students And apathy.With the warning sign of a teacher with students. Reprimand should be given at the right time and addressed to the appropriate target.
2. Dividing Attention Effective classroom management occurs when teachers divide their attention to some of the activities that took place in the same time. It can be implemented as follows:
  • Visual It shows attention to a group of students or individual but does not lose his involvement with groups or individual students.This skill is used to monitor the activities of groups or individuals, make the correction of students' activities, make comments or give a reaction to a disruptive student.
  • Verbal Teachers may comment on the activities of someone who is seen or reported by other students. The use of visual and verbal techniques indicate that the master class teacher. 

3. Focusing Attention Student involvement in learning activities can dipertahnkan if from time to time teachers will be able to focus the group on the tasks carried out. This way:
  • Students alert To created an attractive atmosphere before the teacher any questions or topic studies. For example: "let the children, all with meticulous attention to these images to distinguish which areas are fertile and the area where the land is barren.
  • Demanding Student Responsibilities Clear communication from teachers about students' task is very important in maintaining the center of attention of students such as: asking for demonstrated results of the work assignment. 

4. Giving clear directions
The instructions should be straightforward, with clear language and not confusing, and with the reasonable demands can be met by students.

5. Reprimand
Not all behavior interferes a groups, students in the classroom can be prevented or avoided by good, so the teacher must make a verbal reprimand or warn students. The reprimand was effective if:
  • Firmly and clearly targeted at students who are disruptive
  • Avoiding harsh warnings and menyakitkn and contain insults.
  • Avoid chatter or ridicule a teacher or a prolonged
  • Teachers and students better make a deal so that its deviation is only cautioned. Such as: "suharto remember"!
6. Giving Strengthening
This component is used to cope with students who do not want to be involved in learning activities or disturbing theme. That way.

  • Teachers can provide reinforcement to students who menggagu is by the way "catch it" when he did behaviour reasonable and trying to "catch it" when he made a behavior that is not fair and trying to "catch" when it performs unnatural acts with the goal of reasonable action had been can be repeated.
  • Teachers daapat provide various components of reinforcement to students who behave in a fair to other students for exemplary menjdi.
B. Skill-Related Condition After Getting Optimal Learning Disorders.
These skills are associated with responses of teachers to students is ongoing interference with the intention of the teacher can conduct remedial actions to restore the optimal action. 

If there are students who cause repeated even though the teacher had tried to extinguish the relevant response still occurs again, the teacher may request assistance: 1. Principal 2. Counselors / BP 3. Waka student to help overcome them.
Not a professional error if the teacher can not handle the problems of students in the class with respect to the teacher can use a set of strategies for remedial action against the behavior of students continue to cause disruption and who will not engage in activities in class
Strategies That Can Be Used 

1. Behavior Modification Teachers should analyze the behavior of students having problems and trying to modify the behavior. By systematically applying the provision of reinforcement.
  • Can be co-operation with colleagues address the problem
  • Specify exactly which cause problems tingka
  • Choose carefully behavior is fixed easily to be changed, the most annoying behavior that often arise.
  • Right to choose gift reinforcement that can be used to maintain the behavior that has to be good.
2. Group Problem Solving Approach Facilitate the task, holding the good cooperation in the implementation of the task. Maintaining the activities of the group, maintaining and restoring the spirit of the students and deal with conflicts that arise. 

3. Find and solve the problematic behavior. Teachers can use a set of ways to control behavior that appears wrong, the teacher must know the basic causes that lead to the disobedience of such behavior. As well as trying to find pemecahanya.
Things that should be avoided A. Interference The Overstated Such a cool teacher interrupting ongoing activities with comments or directions suddenly, then the activity students will be disturbed or interrupted. Impression of teachers do not pay attention to the needs of students, just to satisfy her alone. 

B. Obliteration Happen if teachers fail to properly complete an explanation instruction or guidance, comments. Then stop the explanation or dish for no apparent reason and let the child's mind dreamily. 

C. The lack of accuracy, adequacy start and end activities Occurs when the teacher started an activity without ending the previous activity. 

D. Deviation Happen if the teacher is too cool PBM activities with certain activities such as busy with seating that is not neat or the story something that has nothing to do with the matter too far, so smooth in-class activities disrupted. 

E. Rambling Happen if the teacher talks are: 1. Repeat certain things 2. Extend the lesson or explanation 3. Changing a long rebuke to babble
This is an obstacle of progress lesson or classroom activity. Students are generally noted as being boring and not get involved in activities in class.
F. Explanation Unnecessary Repetition Happen If The teacher gives clues repeated unnecessarily divide the class in giving directions or separately to give directions to any group that previously may be given jointly to the whole group only once in front of the class. 

Managing Our Classroom

below are some things that must be observed by a teacher in managing they classroom.

I. Rational School is a place of learning for students, and teachers' job is mostly happening in the classroom is to teach and educate students by providing an optimal learning conditions. Related interests, the will, conversations, as well as their activities relate to the teaching facilities and infrastructure used in the PBM.
Optimal learning conditions is achieved if teachers are able to manage students and teaching facilities as well as steer it in a fun situation to achieve the learning objectives. 

But if there is a lack of harmony between tasks, and the means or tools or breaking of a desire to another desire, between need and fulfillment, there will be disruption to the PBM. Both the temporary nature of the disorder and the nature of serious or continuous. 

II. Definition
Classroom management skills are the skills of teachers to create and maintain optimal conditions for learning and skills to restore an optimal learning conditions.

III. Use in the Classroom
If done well then the skill will have a positive impact both on students and the teacher concerned.
  1. Encourage students to develop individual responsibility to be aware of his behavior and control him.
  2. Helping students understand the direction of his behavior in accordance with the order of classes and teacher's warning as like a warning rather than anger.
  3. Cause a sense of obligation to engage in tasks and behave in a reasonable fit with ongoing classroom activities.
  1. Develop understanding and skill in maintaining the smooth presentation and step-by-step lessons are appropriate and good.
  2. Having an awareness of the needs of students and develop competence in providing a clear direction to students.
  3. Respond effectively to student behavior that causes disruption.
IV. principle Use
1.The warmth and the sight of people exiting
Facilitate the creation of a pleasant classroom climate.
2. challenge
The use of words, actions, or materials that will defiantly improve students' passion for learning, thereby reducing the likelihood of deviant behavior.
3. varies
Use of variations in style and media interaction is a key teaching of classroom management.
4. flexibility
PBM teachers must be vigilant in observing the process activities. Including the possible emergence of student disruption. So that the necessary flexibility for the teacher's behavior can change a variety of teaching strategies to manipulate the various components of other skills.
5. Emphasis On Positive Things
Basically in teaching and educating teachers should emphasize the positive things and wherever possible avoid focusing student attention on things that are negative.
The way the teacher maintains a positive atmosphere among others:
a. Giving emphasis on positive student behavior and to avoid chatter or celaa or behavior that is less fair.
b. Provide reinforcement of positive student behavior.
6. Planting self-discipline
This activity is the ultimate goal of classroom management. To achieve this the teacher should always encourage students to exercise self-discipline. This will be more successful if teachers themselves are an example.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Education in Moeslem Perspective.

Education in terms of language (lughawy) is derived from the verb: rababa, and the word rabb is the designation for the hosts, or that the king obey and repair, and tarbiyah words: education drawn from the third meaning, namely: the improvement.
Tarbiyah definition (education) by ishtilah are: to foster or create a Moeslems and a good moral perfect of all the different aspects, both from the aspect of health, intellect, faith, spirit beliefs and management.
The real meaning of education or tarbiyah is like the workings of a farmer who tried to remove thorns and pulled out wild plants that are among the plants so that crops can be grown to perfection and gives good results.

below several fact that education is very important is moeslem lives.

1. That learning is a major command of the Islamic religion, reflected in the first verse down the qur'an surah al 'Alaq 1-4.
Meaning: Read the name of your Lord who created, which has created man from a clot, Read with the name of your Lord the Most Noble, who has taught with the pen, which has taught man what he did not know.
Reading, psychologically containing the charge; higher mental processes, the process of recognition (cognition), memory (memory), observation (perception), pronunciation (verbalization), thinking (reasoning), creativity (creativity) and of course psychological processes.
Sociologically, it also contains the charge read: the process that connects the feelings, thoughts and behavior with others. Reading is also a communications system (Communication system) which is absolutely necessary realization of the social system. Furthermore, the use of language (written and read) is a warehouse to store the values ​​of a culture that is transferred from one generation to the next.
2. That science and men of knowledge are highly valued in Islam. Islamic appreciation of science is not only embodied in the teachings but also evident in history, especially classical history of Islam. In the Qur'an says that believers are knowledgeable dilemma ¬ bihkan degree (Q/58: 11). They were also given the title ulu al Albab, Nuha's ulu, ulu al Abshar, and zi Hijr. (Q/39: 9, Q/59: 2, Q/20: 54).
3. Choosing a science than an asset is the right decision and profitable, both morally and materially. When Solomon offered Allah to choose science, wealth or power, Solomon chose science, and with the knowledge he then acquire wealth and power. Ali ibn Abi Talib once said that science can take care of you, while the treasure, thou must guard it. Property if given to someone else then that property can be reduced, but the sciences are increasingly being given to people precisely increasing.
4. The struggle in the way of science (as a student, teacher or facilitator) will facilitate the path to heavenly bliss. it's mean Whoever chose the path of science, God will ease the way for him to heaven. (H. R. Turmuzi)
5. Accountability on how far science is practice it. it's mean Science without charities like the fruitless tree. or can be understood that later in the afterlife, human beings can do little sbelum mempertangungjawabkan four things, (1) about his age, to do anything, (2) of the mudanyya to prepare anything, (3) about their knowledge, how far he practice it, and ( 4) about the property, from which he obtained and to what property it is used. (Hadith)
6. People 'alim who did not apply their knowledge, moral sin is greater than the unbelievers (who does not have knowledge). Meaning: The 'alim who did not apply their knowledge, will be tortured first (in the Hereafter) before the torment for pagans (Zubad).
7. Education must be oriented to the future, to meet and anticipate future developments. means: Educate your children swimming and archery, it's actually your children will live in a time that is not your days. (Ali ibn Abi Talib)
8. In accordance with their respective capacities, each person is given an appropriate opportunity to be involved in the field of science: Meaning: Be ye (1) clever (and teaching), if it can not then be (2) students, if not then be (3) a good listener, if mendengarpun not have time, be (4) people who love science, and would occasionally not be the one to five (not smart, not willing to learn, not listen and do not like science).
9. If you want to pursue a science, choose a science that is useful, relevant to the benefit of life, must not science, the apostle had prayed. it's mean we pray to Allah, for  seek refuge in Thee from the knowledge that is not useful, and from the heart that are not khusyu ', and of the passions that would not satiated and from the prayer was granted. (H. R. Ahmad in Musnadnya)
10. Science is a long-term investment. Meaning: If a man die so putuslah their productivity, except for three things, (1) charity, (2) science is taken advantage by others, and (3) children who always pray for godly parents. (H. R. Bukhari)
11. There are two sources of knowledge, that is from God Almighty, through revelation, inspiration and intuition, and science diproduk by human reason.
12. No matter how smart a person, he should not brag, because surely there are others who surpass them, and only Allah the Most Knowing.
13. According to Imam Ghazali, there are three categories of scholars, namely proof, Hajjaj and mahjuj. Scholars in the capacity of proof is a pious person, wara ', ascetic and religious priority than others. Hajjaj more than that, able to defend religion from outside attacks, and mahjuj is pious scholars, but its nature is not noble because he is more like life than the glory ukhrawi world.
14. Of the three circles of education, household, school and community environment, education is the main foundation of the house, although schools and society is also a big influence. Therefore the example and the example of parents to their children in a big house once his part in the formation of generations.
15. Science should be learned from any source appropriate to the field. Do not learn why a Muslim mathematicians to Christians, martial jar of technology to the Jews, learn to hunt for the primitive.
Meaning: Take wisdom from wherever it out.
Meaning: Wisdom is like a believer lost possessions, which can be found anywhere, by anyone.
16. Go go abroad in search of knowledge is seen very positively in the development of self and insights. Meaning: Seek knowledge, even far into neegri China. Meaning: Merantaulah, you will certainly find a replacement of those you leave behind. Payahlah gone to, because the joy of life is precisely sesungguhnyya was in difficulties. (Imam Shafi'i)
17. Way of life that would really help blessings of science, while the wrong path will eliminate the blessing of science.
Meaning: I've complained to the clerics Waki ​​'about learning difficulties, then my teacher advised me to stay away from immoral acts. He also taught me that light ilahiyyah not be given to the expert immoral. (Imam Shafi'i)
18. That the obligation to learn it is not limited by age, therefore home life does not preclude the necessity studying, or marriage and learn to be consistent, should not be contested. The principle of education in Islam is a life-long education, life long education it's mean Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave. 

Resources:has been translated from

Road To Prototype Curiculum

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